Sunday, July 31, 2011

2012 Paris Marathon

The Paris Marathon is one of the prestigious marathon races in Europe. Registration for the 2012 race is open. The race has 40,000 slots. The rule is first come first served. Last year the race opened in September and it was all sold out by end of November.

2012 Paris Marathon Dates.

2012 Paris marathon will be on 15 April 2012.

Registration 2012 Paris Marathon

Registration for 2012 Paris marathon will be done online, at the official Paris Marathon site. Payment of registration fee is also done online.

2012 Paris Marathon registration fee.

  • 12,000 first quota of places 60 €
  • 15,000 next quota of places 79 €
  • 10,000 final quota of places 95 €

Doctors medical report

Paris marathon require a medical certificate signed by doctor proving you are in good condition to run and finish a 26 mile marathon

Book a Starting zone

The starting zone just after elite runners is reserved for sub 3.15 runners who provide proof of previous race results obtained within the last two years. For this fast runners the registration must be done via post mail.

Cheers and... see you in Paris?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

How to run faster

Nice article from Running News!

Running faster is not about increasing your stride rate but increasing the force in your take off. That is according to research done as to why Jamaican runner, Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world.

When Bolt established the current 100-meter world record in the 2009 world championships, running it in 9.58 seconds, he did so by moving his legs at virtually the same pace as his competitors. In fact, if you or I were to compete against Bolt, our legs would turn over at essentially the same rate as his.

This is a theory put forth by academics and track coaches alike who contend that running fast has more to do with the force one applies to the ground than how quickly one can move one’s legs.

Cheers and keep running!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hydrate up!

Credit: Christopher Craig

The Hydration Challenge Guidelines

1. Start your day off by drinking 8 ounces of water.
 Most of us wake up slightly dehydrated, so this puts us all ahead of the hydration curve before our day even starts.

2. Swap non-water drinks for water.
We’ll leave the particulars up to you, but try to get your hydration from water—not six cups of coffee, soda or juice.

3. Drink before, during and after workouts.
 We’re not asking you to drink a ton here—and if you’re exercising outside for a long period of time, definitely get some sports drink in you, too, for electrolytes—but be mindful and drink during all stages of your workout. The main idea is to be hydrated before your workout even begins, and then to stay that way.

4. Keep that pee to a pale yellow.

Hydration is different for everyone and depends on many things (stress, food, weather, caffeine, etc.), so just keep an eye on your pee. If it’s dark yellow, drink up. If it’s pale yellow, then you know you’ve been drinking water at a good pace. If it is totally clear, you can probably drink a touch less.Cheers and keep running!

Running and work performance – a link ?

Is there a link between work performance and exercising?

Cheers and keep running!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What are women runners made of?

What are women runners made of?
Well...flesh and blood and sweat and running shoes—just like the guys, right?

Not really.

You see, when it comes to running, everything from our muscles to our minds to our emotions reacts very differently than it does in male runners. Sure, we love getting out on the roads and trails just as much as men do...we train and compete just as hard...and we suffer our fair share of injuries and challenges, too. 

But let's face it: A guy never has to figure out which sports bra is the right one, how to run safely while pregnant, or whether menopause symptoms are going to affect his time in a marathon. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Cheers and keep running!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Which exercises should you ditch?

How to Make Your Workout More Effective: Great article from @Fitsugar 
Truly worth reading!

Cheers and keep running!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Planning to run under the sun?

5 Tips for Staying Hydrated in the Heat:

Cheers and keep running!




Personality & Weight article

Interesting article that links personality and weight. 
Are you an impulsive person? Channel your impulse into productive resolutions!
Cheers and keep running!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stay injury-free with Cross-Training!

How, when and how often should you Cross-train? Check out the following 2 min. video to find out:
Cheers and keep running!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A great point of view!

Hello from Marathon Running Tips 
We wanted to share this great video of the NYC Marathon with you, it offers a great point of view:   

Cheers and keep running!