Friday, August 12, 2011

Burn More Calories on the treadmill

Do sprinting intervals. Running at a consistent pace is great for longer training runs, but during your intense workouts, take advantage of intervals. By alternating between running a few minutes at a moderate pace and throwing in sprinting bursts, you’ll end up burning more calories, building your endurance, and becoming a faster, stronger runner. Not to mention, intervals have also been proven to fight belly fat.
  • Gradually increase your speed throughout your workout. You definitely don’t want to start your run at a seven mile per hour (mph) pace since you need to give your body a chance to warm up. Start out with a brisk walk (four mph) and every five to 10 minutes, give your speed a little push, until you’re running at a five to eight mph pace.
  • Run longer. It’s good to mix up the type of running workouts you do, so on days that you’re not running intervals or building up speed, do a longer run at a consistent pace. If you run for 30 minutes (at a pace of 10 minutes per mile) you’ll burn 295 calories. Forty-five minutes burns 443 calories, and even longer, an hour-long run burns 591 calories.
  • Cheers and keep running!

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